Tuesday, March 30, 2010

a prayer...

dear jesus. i would much appreciate it if you could do that healing thing for heather. her tummy's been hurting, and, as you may know, that might just be the worst kinda pain there is. so, please, make her better! aaamen.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

traveling sketch book

tess, i thought of you right when i saw this:


pretty awesome idea, huh?

Monday, March 22, 2010


these are the kind of girls who hang dream catchers above their beds, who eat pomegranates and read old history books for fun. these are the kind of girls who take pictures of their hands with disposable cameras and wallpaper their bathrooms with pretty roses. these girls sketch eyes and mouths and little drawings all over things, they look you right in the eye and almost through you when you speak to them.

Monday, March 15, 2010

you guys.

i just had a dream. while i was sleeping. and i was in urban outfitters. and there were so many great clothes. and now i just wish i had some money to go buy a crapload of fabric and make those clothes....but i don't. :/.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

four you:

i thought of all my lovely artsy friends and my bloggins friends when i saw this. im gonna have to make myself one of these!
love, kelly.

ways to distract yourself from writing a paper...

one. stalk every person you know on facebook.

two. facebook chat someone.

three. then check your twitter.

four. post something on twitter.

five. read every new blogpost on your google reader.

six. take pictures.

seven. google random crap.

eight. eat some sunflower butter.

nine. do some online window shopping.

ten. finally blog about all you did except your paper.

the end....meh.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

p dot s dot.

i have an idea for a photo for our bannahhhhhh.

this "inspired" me. ;).

so. i saw this image and it instantly gave me two thoughts. 

one. i need white flats for spring...let me know if you see any for somewhat cheap!

and two. i think that every week when i go to the grocery with ames i'm gonna by myself flowers to put in my room. (lame i know but i want flowers!) tulips are my favorite right now. :).

what are some things you guys want for the spring?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

suit up!

so... zooey totally is the cutest girl on the beach.

and after all our bathing suit convos yesterday, i decided to do a little research. how do you like this one from urban heather and kelly?

road trip!!!

with all of this beautiful weather coming our way, i am feeling a road trip. with the windows down, music blaring, sunglasses on, and no destination in mind. we just go. i think april is the perfect month for this.

shall we?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

birthday wishes!

hey kelly! it's your day!

i love you, and i cannot wait to celebrate your birthday with you! :)

all the love in the world, have a wonderful morning!

{love. tess}

our mission for tomorrow:

...get a picture of the four of us for this blog.
~love, kelly.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

a softer world..

my favorites from asofterworld....click to view larger :)

check it out!

guys. head over to smile and wave and look closely. :).


until we get pictures of the four of us, here are some single ones. enjoy!

p.s. i felt like you all were my kids and i was writing up something to be read for the stars crowning. i literally could hear mrs. lewis saying each on of these descriptions. haha!

this is tess, our little ginger. tess loves blueberry miniwheats and could live off of them for the rest of her life. she loves to craft, but she is also draws and paints. tess is very spontaneous and only likes to plan for parties. but i must say, she is one super party planner. tess's contagious laugh and beautiful smile lights up a room in seconds.
this is kelly. she is super pretty. she loves to make lots of little creations and loves playing on playgrounds. she is a dancer. kelly likes to tell it how it is. but in kind and loving ways. kelly loves U'krops tomato soup, or at least what used to be "U'krops" tomato soup, and blenheim's ginger ale.

this is annemarie. she is crazy fun. she likes to go on walks and bake yummy healthy foods. her favorite cereal is Trader Joe's O's. she calls them her crack. annemarie hates reading books that are boring. she babysits, what seems to be, 24/7. and she listens to some pretty rad music. and she's a smarty pants. :p. (added by annemarie.)

this is what one may call a heather tobey. one can rarely be found deep within the amazon jungle. ok just joshing. heather enjoys all things cozy and long walks on the beach (for real). and she really really loves books. and tranquility. and um. cooking. and. the beach. and all things lovely!. she is really mighty sweet. :). and we love her dearly always and forever. and her favorite food is uhhh not avocados.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

a little bit about us...

so i was thinking about the four of us last night, and i realized a funny little coincident:
annemarie: is a fall baby. she uses a lot of gorgeous earthy, fall colors in her style.
kelly: i am a winter baby. and i tend to dress in a lot of grays, blues, and deep reds.
tess: is a spring baby. her style is colorful and cute, like a flower.
heather: is {almost} a summer baby. her style is breezy and pretty, like a day at a park or the beach.

you guys...

we don't have a picture with just the four of us in it. we should change that.

don't worry everyone else. we'll have some good photos up soon. i'll make sure. ;).

to the overscheduled.


waste time. it makes magic happen. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

a patchwork blog.

well, i have to say that i am just so excited about this. and for my first post, i thought i would share a metaphor that i dreamed up: a patchwork quilt is made from many very different scraps of fabric, each quite beautiful individually, but together as a whole they complement each other wonderfully. this is going to be such a nifty patchwork blog, because we are all so wonderfully individual, but we complement each other so much too!
love, kelly.

let's get it started...

okay so im pretty excited about this... :)

post whatever whenever, and change any of the settings/headers/ sidethings. add what you want... lets make this awesome!

p.s. this includes the title header thingy... i just kinda put it up there so there was at least something :)